Christian Counseling
for Teenagers
Being a teenager can be hard.

Getting the help your kid needs to put their best foot forward.
From school, to extracurricular activities, to being constantly connected in a world dominated by social media, teens face struggles today that we as parents could have never imagined when we were their age.
Sometimes, our kids just need a little extra support as they navigate the stresses of high school. Maybe they’re suffering from some anxiety. Perhaps they’re taking a breakup or loss of a friendship really hard and are feeling down. Whatever the reason, Christian counseling for teenagers can help them to succeed, and to see their true worth and value.
Should I be concerned about my teenager?
Does your son or daughter:
Constantly worry?
Avoid other people or situations out of fear?
Experience panic attacks?
Appear constantly sad or withdrawn?
Seem like he or she has really low self-esteem?
Isolate himself or herself?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, it may be time to talk about helping your teen through counseling. Many teenagers feel like they’re walking through life feeling isolated and lonely. It’s common for young women and men to have trouble with low self-esteem, conflict with friends, fitting in and getting along with their parents. It’s difficult when feelings of anxiety or depression happen in the midst of all of that, too.
At the center of many problems teens face has to do with relationships — not only the relationship with other people, but the relationship they have with themselves. People in their teens are being shaped by the world and how they believe the world sees them. Christian counseling helps them to see who exactly God created them to be as they learn to love themselves for who they are and how they were created – in His image.
What to Expect
Getting started is pretty easy. There will be some paperwork for you and your child to fill out (or they’ll have to fill it out on their own if they’re 16 or older). At the first appointment, depending on their comfort level, the two of you can meet with us together, or he or she can meet on their own and discuss what they’re going through.
First and foremost, our offices are a safe space where young men and women are welcome to share anything that’s on their heart. It’s a place where people have talked about the good, the bad, and the ugly. In counseling, we’ll walk through the struggles your child is facing and look to see what brought them there. We’ll look at what God says about the situation and how He calls us to live. They’ll have the opportunity to learn about their needs – how to put them into words – and her strengths and weaknesses.
Research shows Christian Counseling for Teenagers can be a huge benefit to their emotional and spiritual development.
In the States of Kentucky and Indiana, the medical age of consent is 16 years old. So, if your teenager is 16 or older, they are treated as an adult for documentation purposes. This means that for us to discuss their treatment with you, they must sign a release form per state law. You are, however, still eligible to schedule their appointments and coordinate payment for services.
Let’s get started.
Ready to start feeling better? If you feel life is is overwhelming, like it's too much, Christian Counseling for Anxiety can help.
To get started, schedule an appointment with our convenient online calendar, send us an email, or give us a call. It's time to get your life back. We can get through this together.