Christian Counseling
for Porn Addiction
Shame. Guilt. Dirty secrets. You’ve been living with a porn addiction and it’s eating you alive.

How many times have you tried to tell your spouse about your porn addiction, but just couldn’t muster the courage to let the truth out?
How many times have you wanted to share with someone, anyone, what’s been going on but you just don’t know where to start? What if they think less of you? What if they never trust you again? What if you lose your spouse? Your family? Every relationship you hold dear? What if it goes public? You’ve got this secret and you don’t know what to do about it.
And it’s killing you inside.
You’ve gotten really good at keeping this bottled up. Honestly, nobody knows porn is even something you think about. But in reality, it’s a daily fight. And if we’re being real honest, it’s probably a fight you’re losing pretty often. Sure, there are days, maybe even weeks you can go without looking at porn, but those cycles usually come to an end and you’re sneaking off with your phone to the bathroom at home or at work, promising yourself this time is the last time.
Except you promised yourself the same thing the last time you watched porn. And the time before that.
Why is it so hard to stop?
Because by yourself, you can’t. The problems you’re dealing with are just symptoms. They’re symptoms of a core problem. That problem can come from a lot of things, things like self-worth, value, or traumatic events from childhood. It could come from any number of things. But there is hope.
You don’t have to keep holding it in and living with the shame, guilt and regret. You can find freedom, but first, you’ve got to get real about a few things:
Porn is a real problem for you. It’s not something you can just stop doing whenever you want.
Surrender is key. You’ll have to reveal what’s happened and begin to make amends. You have to allow your heart and mind to begin finding healing.
You’ll have to make some changes. Changing behaviors, attitudes and situations will be necessary.
You’ll have to be held accountable. You’ve got to be willing to share what’s going on – and be honest – if you’re feeling tempted, or are continuing to struggle.
Christian Counseling for Porn Addiction can help you get your life back.
If you could have fixed it on your own, you would have already.
There’s no shame in trying, though. But now it’s time to try something new. You don’t have to keep living this way.
The number of people who suffer from porn addiction is staggering. And it’s not just non-Christians. In fact, a recent anonymous survey found that 57% of pastors admit to either currently or previously struggling with viewing pornography.
Seriously. 57%. If the pastor can’t stop on his own – why do you keep being so hard on yourself because you can’t quit either?
Control Your Porn Addiction
We’ve worked with countless people who’ve been in your shoes. You’re looking to stop these destructive behaviors and this excruciating emotional pain. You’re just looking for some hope. You won’t just learn how to cover up the symptoms, but you’ll learn the HOW and WHY it’s happening, so you’ll be able to find freedom once and for all.
If you’re here, chances are you’ve ran out of hope.
And if that’s the case, you’re ready to figure a few things out.
How to finally be open and honest with the people who are closest to you.
How to avoid triggers that push you back into that dark place.
How to rebuild the trust in your broken relationship.
How to forgive yourself for the damage that’s been done.
At Revive, you have a trusted team of counselors and porn addiction experts who are here to help.
What to Expect
The thought of sharing your deepest, darkest secret with a stranger can be unnerving. We can assure you, there’s nothing you can tell us that will make us think less of you. We’ve all messed up. We’ve all fallen short. We’ve all done things we’re not proud of. No matter what you’ve done, no matter what you’ve been through, you’re safe to share your heart.
We’re here to work with you to find ways you can find peace, freedom, and healing. Counseling doesn’t mean you’re weak – it means that you’ve decided to be strong enough to make a change in your life and that you’re ready to get to work.
It’s okay to not be okay. But it’s not okay to stay that way.
Together, we’ll look at real, practical ways that you can finally put an end to this struggle of addiction. We’ll talk about what you’ve tried before to quit so we know exactly how we need to move forward. We’ll talk about ways you can make sure you have support in the days ahead to keep you from relapsing.
We’ll use some tools, including some things you’ll take with you and work on outside of your counseling sessions to make sure you have the support you need.
Christian Counseling for Porn Addiction consists of 45-50 minute, one-on-one sessions that help you work through your concerns. In addition to listening, your counselor will guide you towards solutions; they play an active role. Here’s what to expect:
First, your counselor will provide a safe, accepting space so that you will feel comfortable sharing your struggles with them.
Through hearing your story, your counselor will start to get a picture of what your challenges are.
Next, your counselor will start by helping you with immediate concerns like managing difficult emotions and challenging life situations.
Keeping your unique goals in mind, you’ll figure out what’s needed to help you reach them.
Over the course of your sessions, you will start making progress towards the life you desire.
Research shows porn addiction counseling can positively change your thinking, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. It can help you let go of what’s holding you back.
Let’s get started.
Ready to start feeling better? If you feel life is is overwhelming, like it's too much, Christian Counseling for Porn Addiction can help.
To get started, schedule an appointment with our convenient online calendar, send us an email, or give us a call. It's time to get your life back. We can get through this together.